Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia

Our Story

The Canard Community Church was organized in April, 2013 and held services in the Sheffield Mills Community Hall for a little over a year. On May 15,2014 we purchased the former Canard Trinity United Church building at 1315, Highway 341 in Upper Canard and that historic church is now our home. We are not affiliated with any denomination.

Until June 2016, the Reverend Dr. Robert Wallace was our pastor and guided and inspired our early development until health concerns forced him to leave the pulpit. Since then we have benefited from guest and lay preachers at our Sunday services. We are very happy with our association with the Reverend John Wray, who understands this unique congregation and provides excellent leadership now.Our members come from a wide area and we work to support local organizations as we strive to serve our community and persue our mission.

The church was built in 1848 for a Presbyterian congregation and was intended to be a "House of Worship" and it has been used as such ever since. In the news stories link below some of this interesting history is mentioned, and we may be contacted to answer any questions you may still have.

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Fun Night
14 Feb 2025 06:00PM -

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