Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia


offering plate

Canard Community Church is thankful to receive all offerings and monetary blessings. For those that would like to take up regular weekly tithing, numbered church envelopes are available with yearly tax receipting. Please contact the church treasurer to request yours.

For those times when you may be away from the church and unable to put your envelope in the offering plate, you can provide post dated cheques for the time you will be away. You can drop them in the offering plate before you go, or mail them to the church all at once. You can also use e-transfer service right from your personal account to the church bank account - it is safe and secure and fully receiptable as well.

For those that would like to make a donation or offering from outside of the church, you can use cheque or e-transfer services as well.  please be sure to designate what the purpose or cause the funds are offered towards.


E-Transfer Service

If you utilize online or telephone banking services, you can easily add the church as a "payee" and send one-time or regular money transfers automatically. Very often these services are included FREE in your account, but you should check your account provisions or ask a teller at your branch about your specific account.

Canard Community Church has set up "auto-depoist" to receive e-transfers directly without having to communicate or set up passwords or having to see personal information - your transfer will go directly to the bank account, and your information will be updated in your tithing records if appropriate.

If you need assistance in setting up a payee or to find the e-transfer system - log into your online banking and look for a menu item called "SEND MONEY". You will find an option there to send an e-transfer.  You will need to provide an email address and name as follows: 

payee: Canard Community Church 

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


offering plate
Information About
Giving And Tithing

Upcoming Events

Fun Night
14 Feb 2025 06:00PM -

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